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Courtney Smith


September 15, 2024

Grit: Building Mental Toughness and Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

At CrossFit MNC, we talk a lot about pushing limits—whether it’s adding more weight to the bar or pushing through those last few reps when your body tells you to stop. But what about the limits that aren’t as visible? The ones in your mind? That’s where grit comes in.

What is grit? Grit is defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals. It’s the ability to push through challenges and discomfort, to stay focused and determined when the going gets tough. Grit is more than just showing up for the hard workouts; it’s about building mental toughness, stepping out of your comfort zone, and reaping the rewards both physically and mentally.

Why Does Grit Matter?

We all love the rush of completing a hard workout—the sense of accomplishment, the physical growth, and the camaraderie with our fellow fire breathers. But true grit is built in those moments when you face discomfort head-on, not just in the gym but in life as well. Mental toughness isn't just about enduring physical pain; it's about being willing to step into situations that scare you, knowing that discomfort leads to growth.

Think about the first time you walked through our doors at CrossFit MNC. That took courage! Or when you tackled your first Murph—those miles and pull-ups seemed daunting, but you did it. Every time you push yourself beyond what you thought possible, you're training not just your body, but your mind.

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Growth happens outside of the comfort zone. Whether it’s taking on a new challenge at work, facing a tough conversation with a loved one, or signing up for a competition you’re not sure you can win, life will constantly present you with moments where you can choose comfort or growth. And guess what? Every time you choose growth, you build mental resilience. You strengthen your mind to handle future challenges—just like how doing thrusters helps strengthen your legs for future WODs.

The Mental and Physical Benefits

Pushing through discomfort in the gym prepares you for more than just your next workout. The benefits of grit extend far beyond the physical:

  • Mental Benefits: Increased confidence, a stronger mindset, and an improved ability to handle stress. When you face hard things regularly—whether it’s a 30-minute AMRAP or a difficult life decision—you train your mind to adapt, endure, and overcome.
  • Physical Benefits: Overcoming those mental barriers translates to physical progress. Whether it’s hitting a PR or finally mastering double-unders, the willingness to endure discomfort pushes your body to adapt and grow stronger.

Facing the "Scary" Things in Life

Workouts like Fran or Karen are tough, no doubt. But life will always present its own set of challenges. Maybe it's speaking up in a meeting, trying something new in your personal life, or making a big change that’s been weighing on your mind. Just like in a workout, these moments test your mental toughness. And guess what? Each time you face a fear, you gain more confidence to tackle the next one.

At CrossFit MNC, we train our bodies, but we also train our minds. The hard things we do inside the gym are the foundation for handling the hard things outside of it. Grit is built in the uncomfortable moments, and it’s those moments that make us stronger, both mentally and physically.

Ready for the Next Challenge?

Whether it's in the gym or out in the world, embrace the hard things. They’re the moments that shape us into resilient, confident, and mentally tough individuals. Let’s continue to build grit, together.

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